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ASTM International - ASTM E2691-16

Standard Practice for Job Productivity Measurement

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Organization: ASTM International
Publication Date: 1 March 2016
Status: inactive
Page Count: 25
ICS Code (Management of human resources): 03.100.30
ICS Code (Construction technology): 91.200
significance And Use:

5.1 JPM produces two measurements: construction production rate and productivity.

5.1.1 JPM measures the overall production rate by comparing CPIP to the time elapsed in the construction... View More


1.1 Based on the UNIFORMAT II format for organizing building data, established in Classification E1557, and depending on the level where measurement is applied (industry, total job, or building element), JPM measures construction productivity at three levels: task, project, and industry (shown in Fig. 1). By comparing labor hours used against CPIP, JPM allows for unified measurement of established building elements (according to the UNIFORMAT II format. This practice establishes a process for measuring construction job productivity by comparing labor usage to CPIP.

1.2 JPM measures labor productivity of the installation processes on a construction job.2

1.3 CPIP is measured with input from the labor performing the installation, utilizing elements of statistical process control (SPC) and industrial engineering.

1.4 JPM takes into account the difficulty of installation at any given point on a job.

1.5 JPM evaluates relative productivity changes using trend monitoring.

Document History

April 1, 2020
Standard Practice for Job Productivity Measurement
1.1 Based on the UNIFORMAT II format for organizing building data, established in Classification E1557, and depending on the level where measurement is applied (industry, total job, or building...
ASTM E2691-16
March 1, 2016
Standard Practice for Job Productivity Measurement
5.1 JPM produces two measurements: construction production rate and productivity. 5.1.1 JPM measures the overall production rate by comparing CPIP to the time elapsed in the construction schedule....
November 1, 2011
Standard Practice for Job Productivity Measurement
JPM produces two measurements: construction production rate and productivity. JPM measures the overall production rate by comparing CPIP to the time elapsed in the construction schedule. JPM...
November 1, 2009
Standard Practice for Job Productivity Measurement
JPM produces two measurements: construction production rate and productivity. JPM measures the overall production rate by comparing CPIP to the time elapsed in the construction schedule. JPM...