BSI - BS AU 209-5B
Vehicle security — Part 5b: Specification for central power locking systems for passenger cars and car derived vehicles
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Organization: | BSI |
Publication Date: | 15 January 1996 |
Status: | active |
Page Count: | 10 |
ICS Code (Passenger cars. Caravans and light trailers): | 43.100 |
Document History
BS AU 209-5B
January 15, 1996
Vehicle security — Part 5b: Specification for central power locking systems for passenger cars and car derived vehicles
A description is not available for this item.
May 31, 1988
Vehicle Security Part 5A: Central Power Locking Systems for Passenger Cars and Car Derived Vehicles
Performance requirements and testing. Includes digital access devices and remote control systems. Applies to passenger and luggage compartment doors, engine and fuel filler access, sun roofs