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DIN 620-1

Rolling bearings; Gauging methods for dimensional and running tolerances

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Organization: DIN
Publication Date: 1 June 1982
Status: active
Page Count: 7
ICS Code (Rolling bearings): 21.100.20

Field of application and purpose

Concepts relating to dimensions and tolerances for rolling bearings are defined in DIN ISO 1132, but not the gauging methods by which these tolerances can be measured in conformity with the definitions.

The purpose of this standard is therefore to specify methods by means of which rolling bearing tolerances can be measured in conformity with the definitions even outside special measuring laboratories.

The tolerances defined in DIN ISO 1132, the numerical values of which are laid down in DIN 620 Part 2, Part 3 and Part 6, apply as a general rule to individual bearing components immediately after manufacture, for parts which are not subjected to external forces, including measuring forces. They represent tolerances for the final inspection of the components concerned by the manufacturer, and in particular they do not allow any direct conclusions to be drawn in respect of the correct functioning of the bearings.

In accordance with this standard, deviations can be made from the gauging methods free of measuring forces, on condition that the deformation in the direction of measurement caused by the measuring force and by the dead weight of the component concerned amounts to less than 10% of those tolerances which are being checked in respect of compliance.

It is presupposed that the condition specified in subclause 1.3 is being complied with in the case of the gauging methods described in clauses 4 and 5, with the measuring forces laid down in subclause 2.3.3. As regards bearing components which exhibit small cross sections only, and which are therefore more prone to deformation, it will be necessary to adopt other gauging methods, preferably methods free of measuring forces.

The measurement of the assembled bearing radial runout and face runout accuracies in accordance with subclauses 5.1 and 5.2 is intended to act as an acceptance inspection for the benefit of the user, who is unable in some cases to dismantle the rolling bearings.

Checks of the rolling bearing tolerances in accordance with the conditions described in subclauses 1.3 to 1.5 above do not correspond to the conditions outlined in subclause 1.2, but the results of these checks are quite adequate in practice, as experience has demonstrated, on condition that the measurements are assessed under the following aspects:

The exceeding of the tolerance in accordance with subclause 4.1.4 ( Δds or ΔDs) must not lead to rejection of the bearing in the case of measurements on the assembled rolling bearing or of measurements made a long time after completion of manufacture.

For the radial runout of the inner ring or of the outer ring, respectively, on the assembled bearing, in accordance with subclause 5.1, Kia and Kea have been laid down in accordance with DIN 620 Part 2. The magnitude of these values coincides with the values of wall thickness variations Ki or Ke, respectively, applying to the single ring.

In case of doubt, the measurement on the single ring shall be determining.

Other gauging methods are permissible. In arbitration procedures, the gauging methods described in this standard shall apply.

Document History

DIN 620-1
June 1, 1982
Rolling bearings; Gauging methods for dimensional and running tolerances
Field of application and purpose Concepts relating to dimensions and tolerances for rolling bearings are defined in DIN ISO 1132, but not the gauging methods by which these tolerances can be...

