BSI - BS EN 1561
Founding - Grey Cast Irons
Organization: | BSI |
Publication Date: | 15 October 1997 |
Status: | inactive |
Page Count: | 20 |
ICS Code (Irons): | 77.080.10 |
This European Standard specifies the properties of unalloyed and low-alloyed grey cast iron used for castings, which have been manufactured in sand moulds or in moulds with comparable thermal behaviour.
This standard specifies the characterizing properties of grey cast iron by either:
a) the tensile strength of separately cast samples, or if agreed by the manufacturer and the purchaser by the time of acceptance of the order, of cast-on samples or samples cut from a casting; or
b) if agreed by the manufacturer and the purchaser by the time of acceptance of the order, the hardness of the material measured on castings or on a cast-on knob.
This European Standard does not apply to grey cast iron used for pipes and fittings according to prEN 877-1.
This European Standard specifies six grey cast irons according to the tensile strength and six grey cast irons according to the Brinell hardness.
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