Organization: | NPFC |
Publication Date: | 17 August 1981 |
Status: | active |
Page Count: | 6 |
This Military Standard provides equipment designers and manufacturers with a list of electronic parts having quality levels most acceptable in the design and construction of Mi 1itary systems and equipments. It also will aid to control and minimize the life cycle cost, improve reliability of equipment and minimize logistic support. The criteria used in selecting parts are as follows:
1. APPlication need. Parts requiring reliable parts.
2. Technological maturity. and must use proven materials and for a period sufficient to ensure have been identified and adequate must satisfy the widest range of design The design of the part must be final technologies. It must have been in production that the design and process parameters quality controls have been developed.
3. Availability. The part must be in production by at least one manufacturer whose previous performance indicates ability to qualify to specifications of this standard. There must also be reasonable expectation that the part wi11 not be obsolescent for at least seven years. Microcircuits are excluded from this requirement because of rapid technological changes.
4. Test or usaqe history. Sufficient test or usage data to predict part reliability must be available.
In the event of conflict between the technical description of standard parts in this standard and the applicable specification, the specification shall govern.
Technical information included in this standard was obtained from military specifications and standards; no warranty is made of data accuracy, or that inclusion of these parts wi 11 assure equipment/systems will meet performance requirements of any contracts. The contractor is responsible for conducting necessary tests and inspections of selected parts to assure that contract requirements are met.
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