DODD 3020.41
Organization: | DODD |
Publication Date: | 3 October 2005 |
Status: | inactive |
Page Count: | 33 |
This Instruction:
Applies to the Office of the Secretary of Defense, the Military Departments, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the Combatant Commands, the Office of the Inspector General of the Department of Defense, the Defense Agencies, the DoD Field Activities, and all other organizational entities in the Department of Defense (hereafter referred to collectively as the "DoD Components").
Applies to contingency contractor personnel who deploy with or otherwise provide support in a theater of operations to U.S. Armed Forces deployed outside the United States conducting contingency operations or other military operations.
Applies to the geographic Combatant Commanders who may also apply this Instruction, or portions thereof, to exercises, subject to applicable law.
Does not apply to contracts being performed in the United States and U.S. possessions and territories; nor does it apply to contracts being performed at a location other than where U.S. military forces are deployed for a contingency operation or other military operation.
Under the authority of references (a) and (b), this Instruction establishes and implements policy and guidance, assigns responsibilities, and serves as a comprehensive source of DoD policy and procedures concerning DoD contractor personnel authorized to accompany the U.S. Armed Forces. This includes defense contractors and employees of defense contractors and their subcontractors at all tiers under DoD contracts, including third country national (TCN) and host nation (HN) personnel, who are authorized to accompany the U.S. Armed Forces under such contracts. Collectively, these persons are hereafter referred to as contingency contractor personnel. One significant sub-category of contingency contractor personnel, called contractors deploying with the force (CDF), is subject to special deployment, redeployment, and accountability requirements and responsibilities. Definitions for these personnel and other key terms are addressed in enclosure 2.