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Guidelines for Cleaning of Printed Boards and Assemblies

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Organization: IPC
Publication Date: 1 August 1999
Status: inactive
Page Count: 56

This manual is a road map for current and developing cleaning issues, rather than to function as a highly detailed document for all areas touched on. in areas of cleaning where recent detailed IPC manuals already exist, the relevant sections in IPC-CH-65A will contain only sufficient information to make the reader reasonably knowledgeable. This guideline manual will refer the reader to appropriate existing IPC documents (where they exist) for in-depth information on the particular subject. An example of such a reference IPC manual is IPC-AC-62, Aqueous Cleaning Handbook. It is only where existing IPC documents are not available that IPC-CH-65A will expand information beyond the basics in order to cover what is currently known about the subject. A benefit of this approach is that the manual does not become unwieldy and tends to foster a user-friendly environment.

Both bare board fabrication and assembly cleanliness issues are addressed. The fabrication and assembly sections are separated for ease of access. In the onginal IPC-CH-65, these sections were very much intertwined. However, it was recognized that for a subject such as the required cleanliness of finished bare boards, basically redundant teachings are required for both the fabrication and assembly sections.

The fabrication section starts off by covering general issues, as well as the sources and nature of residues. It then covers various cleaning steps that occur during fabrication of printed circuit boards (or more correctly, substrates). Fabrication cleaning takes into consideration the specific needs associated with a number of new surface finishes. It is important to note that for bare boards destined for no-clean assembly, the cleanliness requirements for finished bare boards have increased dramatically in importance. This is particularly the situation for Hot Air Solder Leveling (HASL) processed boards.

The assembly section also starts off by discussing general issues and the sources and nature of residues. It covers each of the processes for assembling boards, as well as the associated cleaning issues. This section includes a discussion of cleaning media and equipment. Obviously, this is an extremely important area, wherein the reader will be made aware of their wide array of options. Importantly, post hand soldering and post repair soldering cleaning are also included.

While the primary focus of this manual is fabrication and assembly cleaning, key related subjects are found in other sections. Modem cleaning cannot be properly discussed without also addressing the issues of worker safety and the environment.

Document History

July 1, 2011
Guidelines for Cleaning of Printed Boards and Assemblies
This manual will only include assembly process printed wiring assembly cleaning. The corresponding information on printed wiring board cleaning will be contained in a separate companion document....
August 1, 1999
Guidelines for Cleaning of Printed Boards and Assemblies
This manual is a road map for current and developing cleaning issues, rather than to function as a highly detailed document for all areas touched on. in areas of cleaning where recent detailed IPC...
December 1, 1990
Guidelines for Cleaning of Printed Boards and Assemblies
A description is not available for this item.

