IEC 60382
Analogue pneumatic signal for process control systems
Organization: | IEC |
Publication Date: | 1 November 1991 |
Status: | active |
Page Count: | 14 |
ICS Code (Industrial process measurement and control): | 25.040.40 |
Scope and object
This International Standard specifies the analogue pneumatic signal used in industrial-process measurement and control systems to transmit information between the elements of such systems.
It is applicable to:
a) pneumatic controllers;
b) pneumatic transmitters and information transmission systems.
This standard does not apply to analogue pneumatic signals used entirely within an element.
The object of this standard is to establish:
a) a standard operating pressure range for pneumatic information transmission systems;
b) a standard air supply pressure (with limit values) for the operation of pneumatic controllers and transmitters, pneumatic information transmission systems, current-to-pressure transducers, and similar devices.