NPFC - MIL-STD-202-106
Organization: | NPFC |
Publication Date: | 18 April 2015 |
Status: | active |
Page Count: | 7 |
Purpose. The moisture resistance test is performed for the purpose of evaluating, in an accelerated manner, the resistance of component parts and constituent materials to the deteriorative effects of the high-humidity and heat conditions typical of tropical environments. Most tropical degradation results directly or indirectly from absorption of moisture vapor and films by vulnerable insulating materials, and from surface wetting of metals and insulation. These phenomena produce many types of deterioration, including corrosion of metals, physical distortion and decomposition of organic materials, leaching out and spending of constituents of materials; and detrimental changes in electrical properties. This test differs from the steady-state humidity test (method 103 of this standard) and derives its added effectiveness in its employment of temperature cycling, which provides alternate periods of condensation and drying essential to the development of the corrosion processes and, in addition, produces a "breathing" action of moisture into partially sealed containers. Increased effectiveness is also obtained by use of a higher temperature, which intensifies the effects of humidity. The test includes low temperature and vibration subcycles (when applicable, see that act as accelerants to reveal otherwise indiscernible evidence of deterioration since stresses caused by freezing moisture and accentuated by vibration tend to widen cracks and fissures. As a result, the deterioration can be detected by the measurement of electrical characteristics (including such tests as dielectric withstanding voltage and insulation resistance) or by performance of a test for sealing. Provision is made for the application of a polarizing voltage across insulation to investigate the possibility of electrolysis, which can promote eventual dielectric breakdown. This test also provides for electrical loading of certain components, if desired, in order to determine the resistance of current-carrying components, especially fine wires and contacts, to electro-chemical corrosion. Results obtained with this test are reproducible and have been confirmed by investigations of field failures. This test has proven reliable for indicating those parts which are unsuited for tropical field use.
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