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ITU-T Y.2070

Requirements and architecture of the home energy management system and home network services

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Organization: ITU-T
Publication Date: 1 January 2015
Status: active
Page Count: 38

This Recommendation provides the requirements and architecture of the home energy management system (HEMS) and home network (HN) services. The HEMS supports energy efficiency and reduction of energy consumption by monitoring and controlling devices such as home appliances, storage batteries and sensors connected to the HN from the HEMS application with the HN service architecture. The HEMS is one of the HN services. The other HN services, such as home security and healthcare, are provided with the same architecture as the HEMS and by monitoring and controlling the devices from the application specific to the service. In this Recommendation, the requirements, the reference architecture and the functional architecture including functional relationship are described to support the HEMS and the other HN services.

This Recommendation covers the followings:

  • overview of the HN service architecture for the HEMS and other HN services;
  • requirements for the device, home gateway (HGW) and management platform (PF) in the HN service architecture as well as the security required for the architecture;
  • reference architecture with four ways to connect to the devices from the HGW according to the device type: basic device (IP based and non-IP based) and non-basic device (connecting to the HGW directly or through the adapter);
  • functional architecture with the entities: device, HGW, management PF and application;
  • functional relationship with three functional categories in the functional architecture: device operation, application execution and management;
  • security model and functions for the HN services mainly describing the HEMS.

Document History

ITU-T Y.2070
January 1, 2015
Requirements and architecture of the home energy management system and home network services
This Recommendation provides the requirements and architecture of the home energy management system (HEMS) and home network (HN) services. The HEMS supports energy efficiency and reduction of energy...

