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ITU-T P.834

Methodology for the derivation of equipment impairment factors from instrumental models

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Organization: ITU-T
Publication Date: 1 June 2015
Status: active
Page Count: 26

This Recommendation1 describes the methodology for deriving equipment impairment factors (Ies) using instrumental models. The equipment impairment factors derived by this methodology are intended to be used in the E-model (see [ITU-T G.107]). The methodology is to be considered as supplementary to the one based on auditory listening-only tests described in [ITU-T P.833]. It will provide valid Ie values only for those codecs for which the instrumental model used produces meaningful estimations.

1 This Recommendation includes an electronic attachment containing speech material.

Document History

ITU-T P.834
June 1, 2015
Methodology for the derivation of equipment impairment factors from instrumental models
This Recommendation1 describes the methodology for deriving equipment impairment factors (Ies) using instrumental models. The equipment impairment factors derived by this methodology are intended to...
January 27, 2005
Methodology for the derivation of equipment impairment factors from instrumental models
A description is not available for this item.
July 1, 2002
Methodology for the derivation of equipment impairment factors from instrumental models SERIES P: TELEPHONE TRANSMISSION QUALITY, TELEPHONE INSTALLATIONS, LOCAL LINE NETWORKS Methods for objective and subjective assessment of quality
A description is not available for this item.

