ETSI - EN 301 688
Technical characteristics and methods of measurement for fixed and portable VHF equipment operating on 121,5 MHz and 123,1 MHz
Organization: | ETSI |
Publication Date: | 1 March 2016 |
Status: | active |
Page Count: | 19 |
The present document specifies the minimum technical requirements for maritime two-way AM VHF radiotelephone apparatus for communications between ships in distress and rescuing aircraft. The present document incorporates relevant provisions of the ITU Radio Regulations [i.1], of IMO Resolutions A.694(17) [i.2] and MSC.80(70) [i.3] and of annex 10 to the ICAO Convention [i.4].
The maritime VHF equipment described in the present document is intended for communications on the aeronautical emergency frequencies 121,5 MHz and 123,1 MHz only.
The present document is applicable to portable and fixed installed equipment.
NOTE: This type of equipment is covered by the Maritime Equipment Directive [i.6] and its subsequent revisions.