ISO 9270-1
7/24 taper spindle noses for automatic tool changers — Part 1: Dimensions and designation of spindle noses of forms S and SF
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Organization: | ISO |
Publication Date: | 15 August 2010 |
Status: | active |
Page Count: | 7 |
ICS Code (Dividing and tool-workpiece holding devices): | 25.060.20 |
This part of ISO 9270 specifies the dimensions and tolerances of 7/24 taper spindle noses with tenons for automatic tool changers, intended for use with the corresponding tool shanks of forms A, AD, AF, U, UD and UF, according to ISO 7388-1.
Document History

ISO 9270-1
August 15, 2010
7/24 taper spindle noses for automatic tool changers — Part 1: Dimensions and designation of spindle noses of forms S and SF
This part of ISO 9270 specifies the dimensions and tolerances of 7/24 taper spindle noses with tenons for automatic tool changers, intended for use with the corresponding tool shanks of forms A, AD,...