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NR/L2/ELP/27715/MOD 04

Overhead Contact System Design Specification: Module 4 Electrical and Mechanical Clearances and Separation - This standard should only be used for reference to ensure 'The Control of Risk' until the compliance date of its replacement standard is reached, upon which this standard will be withdrawn. The development of all new processes and procedures should be to the replacement standard

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Organization: NR
Publication Date: 1 September 2018
Status: active
Page Count: 31

This module specifies the rules and hierarchy of options for electrical and mechanical clearances of 25kV AC, 1500V DC, and 750V DC OCS and pantographs throughout the railway environment, including; at over-line structures, lineside structures, standing surfaces and level crossings.

It is applicable to the modification to, renewal of, or new railway subsystems that impact on the clearance from the OCS and pantographs on 25kV AC, 1500V DC, and 750V DC electrified lines. This includes works to:

• Track;

• Over-line structures;

• Station platforms;

• Lineside Structures;

• Level Crossings.

All clearance requirements detailed in this module supersede the clearance dimensions shown on existing OCS basic design drawings and documentation.

This module is applicable to all OCS Designers.


The purpose of this module is to specify the Network Rail requirements when designing or evaluating railway subsystem designs that impact on the Overhead Contact System (OCS) and pantograph clearances at over line and lineside structures and standing surfaces to meet legislative requirements and to achieve safety, economy and performance.

This module provides a common strategy to demonstrate compliance and optimise the design of railway subsystems, but is not intended to reiterate legislation and governing standards.

Document History

NR/L2/ELP/27715/MOD 04
September 1, 2018
Overhead Contact System Design Specification: Module 4 Electrical and Mechanical Clearances and Separation - This standard should only be used for reference to ensure 'The Control of Risk' until the compliance date of its replacement standard is reached, upon which this standard will be withdrawn. The development of all new processes and procedures should be to the replacement standard
This module specifies the rules and hierarchy of options for electrical and mechanical clearances of 25kV AC, 1500V DC, and 750V DC OCS and pantographs throughout the railway environment, including;...
Overhead Contact System Design Specification: Module 4 Electric Clearances at Over-Line Structures, Stations and Level Crossings
This module specifies the rules and hierarchy of options for electrical and mechanical clearances of 25kV AC, 1500V DC, and 750V DC OCS and pantographs throughout the railway environment, including;...
Overhead Contact System Design Specification: Module 4 Electric Clearances at Over-Line Structures, Stations and Level Crossings
Applicability This module specifies the rules and hierarchy of options for electrical clearances of 25kV a.c OCS and pantographs at over-line structures, standing surfaces in public areas and level...

