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Prevention of Pollution to Land and Water

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Organization: NR
Publication Date: 7 December 2019
Status: active
Page Count: 40

This business process specifies processes to prevent the pollution of land and water from current Network Rail activities and its contractors.

These processes are:

a) managing compliant discharges;

NOTE: This includes those to sewers, surface water and controlled waters resulting from any Network Rail activity that results from planned or emergency works by Network Rail and its contractors;

b) the environmental management of fuels, chemicals and oils across Network Rail sites to prevent the contamination of land, surface water and controlled waters and applies to:

 1) the management of assets comprising storage of fuels, oils and/or chemicals;

 2) activities comprising storage of fuels, oils and/or chemicals; or

 3) installation of infrastructure containing or holding fuels, oils and/or chemicals.

c) managing leaks and spills through activities on any land (including third party land) through planned and emergency works including:

 1) spillages from hydrocarbon storage, plant, equipment and machinery;

 2) spillages from Network Rail and its contractors' fleet and vehicles on Network Rail property or public highways; and

 3) activities such as maintenance and refuelling of vehicles and generators, including topping up anti-freeze, hydraulic oil, diesel and petrol.

This business process does not apply to the management of pollution associated with legacy contamination on Network Rail sites.


This business process discharges the legal responsibility of Network Rail and its contractors to:

a) manage compliant discharges produced by site activities;

b) prevent damage to the environment from:

 1) stored fuels, chemicals and oils (e.g. diesel, petrol, waste oil, mineral oil,etc.) associated with activities on Network Rail land;

 2) leaks and spills resulting from Network Rail activities; and

 3) leaks and spills resulting from third party activities which impact Network Rail's land and infrastructure.

Document History

December 7, 2019
Prevention of Pollution to Land and Water
This business process specifies processes to prevent the pollution of land and water from current Network Rail activities and its contractors. These processes are: a) managing compliant discharges;...

