CEN/TS 17400
Intelligent transport systems - Urban ITS - Mixed vendor environments, methodologies & translators
Organization: | CEN |
Publication Date: | 1 April 2020 |
Status: | active |
Page Count: | 52 |
ICS Code (IT applications in transport): | 35.240.60 |
This document focuses on the principal aspects of urban ITS where vendor lock-in is recognized as a technical and financial problem: primarily centre-to-field communications and traffic management systems. It will cover the following scope:
- approaches to the management of MVEs by urban authorities, including mitigation and migration options;
- procedural and operational protocols to achieve interworking, using product/interface adaptation, translation products, replacement/reengine
- technical options for interworking multiple vendors' products;
- mechanisms to enable interoperability through automated translation between specifications, frameworks and product interfaces;
- review of principal approaches taken to date to implement these options in community frameworks and specifications.
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