NEN - NVN-CEN/TS 17466
Intelligent transport systems - Urban ITS - Communication interfaces and profiles for traffic management
Organization: | NEN |
Publication Date: | 1 May 2020 |
Status: | active |
Page Count: | 48 |
ICS Code (IT applications in transport): | 35.240.60 |
This document identifies traffic management interfaces between central stations and specifies related ITS communication profiles enabling standardized data exchange over these communication interfaces, applicable for a variety of platforms including ITS station units (ITS-SUs) compliant with ISO 21217:2014. This document further specifies requirements on encoding of data.
These traffic management interfaces enable
- the provision of appropriate and relevant traffic information, e.g. congestion and travel times, to users across a variety of platforms;
- exchange of data such as:
- network performance data, e.g. traffic conditions, travel times, and
- planned and unplanned events and incidents, e.g.
- roadworks,
- closures of roads, bridges, and tunnels,
- bad weather,
- road surface conditions.
This document recognizes specifications from DATEX II in order to avoid duplicate specifications. In doing so, this document aligns with existing products of CEN/TC 278/WG 8 and the additional work being undertaken within the DATEX community.
Document History