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ISO - 10303-243

Industrial automation systems and integration — Product data representation and exchange — Part 243: Application protocol: For modelling and simulation information in a collaborative systems engineering context (MoSSEC)

active, Most Current
Organization: ISO
Publication Date: 1 December 2021
Status: active
Page Count: 1
ICS Code (Industrial process measurement and control): 25.040.40

This document specifies the use of the integrated resources necessary for the scope and information requirements for modelling and simulation information in a collaborative systems engineering context (MoSSEC).

The following are within the scope of this document:

- the representation of the collaborative understanding of the requirements and their verification;

- the representation of the elements that together comprise a set of "results" for a study including the audit-trail of what is to be done, and what has been done, and evolution;

- the representation of the definitions of models and key values that are part of the modelling;

- the representation of information concerning organization and person in those organizations;

- the representation of properties and documents;

- the representation of a collaborative package of work that is launched to drive the evolution and maturity of something;

- the identification of a breakdown of something, the identification of the elements that comprise a breakdown, the parent-child relationships between breakdown elements and the identification of relationships between elements in different breakdowns;

- the representation of interfaces including connections, ports and definitions;

- the identification of which breakdowns, interfaces and models are included in an architecture;

- the representation of key values as distributions enabling the representation of uncertainties;

- the representation of justifications, assumptions and approvals to aid and record decision making;

- the representation of information used for security and trust so each organization is then to be able to enforce their own human resources and security policies.

NOTE 1 A discussion and illustration of the scope is provided in Annex G

The following are outside the scope of this document:

- the detailed format and content of the modelling and simulation data;

NOTE 2 ISO 10303-243 is agnostic of the type of modelling and simulation and the subsequent model data.

- specific business processes.

Document History

December 1, 2021
Industrial automation systems and integration — Product data representation and exchange — Part 243: Application protocol: For modelling and simulation information in a collaborative systems engineering context (MoSSEC)
This document specifies the use of the integrated resources necessary for the scope and information requirements for modelling and simulation information in a collaborative systems engineering...

