ISO - 22138
Heavy commercial vehicles — Vehicle stability during tipper body operation — Tilt-table test method
Organization: | ISO |
Publication Date: | 1 November 2022 |
Status: | active |
Page Count: | 30 |
ICS Code (Commercial vehicles in general): | 43.080.01 |
This document provides a tilt-table test method for estimating vehicle lateral stability during tipping (or dump) operations. The test method results in a limit curve that creates an envelope of the tipper vehicle unit's rollover threshold, at different tipper body inclinations. This document is applicable to both rear and side tipping vehicles.
This document applies to heavy commercial vehicles and commercial vehicle combinations, as defined in ISO 3833, equipped with rearward or sideways tipping (or dump) bodies (trucks and trailers with maximum weight above 3,5 tonnes, according to ECE and EC vehicle classification, categories N2, N3, O3 and O4).
NOTE The stability envelope can be applied to autonomous construction vehicles.
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