NR/L2/CIV/076/01 ISSUE 1
Management of Bridge Strikes: Management of the Risk of Bridge Strikes from Road Vehicles and Waterborne Vessels
Organization: | NR |
Publication Date: | 4 March 2023 |
Status: | active |
Page Count: | 21 |
The scope of this process applies to temporary and permanent Network Rail owned or managed, Shared or External Party Bridges.
It specifically applies to the following asset types:
• Underline Bridges spanning roads or under which vehicular traffic may reasonably be expected to pass;
• Underline Bridges spanning Navigable Waterways, except those navigable only by small pleasure craft and other small vessels;
• Overline Bridges carrying roads, or which may reasonably be expected to carry vehicular traffic;
• Footbridge spans which span both the railway and an adjacent road.
The scope of this process does not apply to:
• Rafted Properties, Station Undercrofts, pedestrian subways and Footbridges that do not span a road;
• the management of the risk of Bridge Strikes by rail vehicles or their loads or by rail-mounted plant;
• the management of the risk of vehicle incursions onto Network Rail infrastructure, except where such incursions are the consequence of collisions of vehicles with parapets of Bridges.
This module applies to those appointed by or on behalf of Network Rail for the management of Overline and Underline Bridges.
Requirements for examination, recording, classifying and reporting of Bridge Strikes are given in NR/L2/CIV/076/02: Actions to be taken following Bridge Strike incidents.
Guidance on the management of the risk of Bridge Strikes is provided in NR/GN/CIV/202 Management of the risk of Bridge Strikes.
This document sets out the procedures for managing the risk to the operational railway from Bridge Strikes.
Procedures detailed in this module are intended to safeguard the operational railway from unacceptable risk due to Bridge Strikes, and reduce train delays resulting from Bridge Strikes, as far as is reasonably practicable.
It forms part of the control barrier 'Manage risk of bridge strike event and implement actions" listed in NR/L2/CIV/032/MOD02.
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