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FAA - FO 9120.1E

Drug and Alcohol Compliance and Enforcement Surveillance Handbook

active, Most Current
Organization: FAA
Publication Date: 1 April 2023
Status: active
Page Count: 117

Purpose of this Order.

This Order documents the surveillance procedures used by Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Drug Abatement Division (AAM-800) to assess the compliance of aviation industry employers, contractors, and service agents with the drug and alcohol testing requirements in the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR). Specifically, the regulatory requirements including the Department of Transportation's (DOT) 49 CFR part 40, "Procedures for Transportation Workplace Drug and Alcohol Testing Programs;" the FAA's 14 CFR part 120, "Drug and Alcohol Testing Program;" and other relevant Federal Aviation Regulations. This Order is used in conjunction with FAA's Compliance and Enforcement Program Order 2150.3, as amended, and Safety Risk Management Policy Order 8040.4, as amended, to ensure that inspections, investigations, and voluntary disclosure decisions are conducted accurately, fairly, and consistently throughout the Drug Abatement Division.

Document History

FO 9120.1E
April 1, 2023
Drug and Alcohol Compliance and Enforcement Surveillance Handbook
Purpose of this Order. This Order documents the surveillance procedures used by Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Drug Abatement Division (AAM-800) to assess the compliance of aviation industry...
April 30, 2019
Changes to Administrative and Legal Enforcement Actions Based on Update to FAA Order 2150.3C, FAA Compliance and Enforcement Program
Purpose. This change harmonizes FAA Order 9120.1D with the updated FAA Order 2150.3C, FAA Compliance and Enforcement Program, published September 18, 2018. Changes include updated guidance on the...
August 9, 2018
Drug And Alcohol Compliance And Enforcement Inspector Handbook
Purpose of this Order. This order documents the procedures used by Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) drug and alcohol compliance and enforcement inspectors and investigators to assess the...
August 9, 2018
Changes to Administrative and Legal Enforcement Actions Based on Update to FAA Order 2150.3C, FAA Compliance and Enforcement Program
Purpose. This change harmonizes FAA Order 9120.1D with the updated FAA Order 2150.3C, FAA Compliance and Enforcement Program, published September 18, 2018. Changes include updated guidance on the...
October 22, 2015
Drug And Alcohol Compliance And Enforcement Inspector Handbook
Purpose of this Order. This order documents the procedures used by Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) drug and alcohol compliance and enforcement inspectors and investigators to assess the...
October 22, 2015
Drug And Alcohol Compliance And Enforcement Inspector Handbook
Purpose of this Order. This order documents the procedures used by Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) drug and alcohol compliance and enforcement inspectors and investigators to assess the...
December 8, 2010
Drug and Alcohol Compliance and Enforcement Inspector Handbook
Purpose of this Order. This order documents the procedures used by Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) drug and alcohol compliance and enforcement inspectors and investigators to assess the...
May 23, 2008
Drug and Alcohol Compliance and Enforcement Inspector Handbook
Purpose of this Order. This order documents the procedures used by Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) drug and alcohol compliance and enforcement inspectors and investigators to assess the...
January 26, 1994
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