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Maintenance and Contents of the National Hazard Directory (formerly NR/L2/MTC/006)

active, Most Current
Organization: NR
Publication Date: 3 June 2023
Status: active
Page Count: 38

This Business Process specifies:

a) the requirements for the recording and validation of information on permanent and semi-permanent hazards present on Network Rail Managed Infrastructure (NRMI) via the use of the NHD;

b) the process for the management of the content of the NHD;

c) the minimum contents and the nature of the hazards that should be included in the NHD;

d) the process for making and validating a Hazard Notification; 

e) the process for the inclusion of new hazard records in the NHD;

f) the process for amending and deletion of existing hazard records in the NHD;

g) the requirements for the ownership and review of hazard record content;

h) the recording of permanent and semi-permanent hazards on NRMI which are:

1) Health & Safety hazards;

2) Environment hazards;

3) Access Points to the infrastructure.

i) the ownership, input and management of hazard data records in the NHD online system;

j) the means of proposing new hazards or amending or deleting of existing hazards;

k) the validation of hazard records.

Due to the nature of the NHD system, the standard does not include the recording of hazards that cannot be reasonably attributed to a mileage and Engineers Line Reference (ELR). 

NOTE 1: Any party requiring hazard information for the safety of their works would consult the Hazard Directory information in conjunction with obtaining appropriate more detailed records from the Health and Safety File via the process in NR/L2/INF/02202 Records Management of Health and Safety Files.

NOTE 2: Any party requiring hazard information for the management of environmental risks and opportunities for their works should consult the Hazard Directory information in conjunction with the requirements within NR/L2/ENV/015 and NR/L2/ENV/122 . 


The National Hazard Directory System (NHD) is used as a controlled source of hazard information for employees and contractors, for the purpose of risk management e.g., for the formulation of safe systems of work (SSOW) when working on or near the line, or the completion of an Environmental and Social Appraisal (ESA) for a project. 

This Business Process sets out how Network Rail controls sources of hazard information for employees and contractors for the purposes of risk management via the NHD. 

Document History

June 3, 2023
Maintenance and Contents of the National Hazard Directory (formerly NR/L2/MTC/006)
This Business Process specifies: a) the requirements for the recording and validation of information on permanent and semi-permanent hazards present on Network Rail Managed Infrastructure (NRMI) via...
December 1, 2008
Maintenance and Contents of the National Hazard Directory
This Specification relates to hazards on Network Rail's controlled infrastructure, access points and other locations (e.g. stations and sidings) on the rail infrastructure. Hazards listed in the...
June 1, 2008
Maintenance & Contents of the National Hazard Directory
This Specification relates to hazards on Network Rail's controlled infrastructure, access points and other locations (eg stations and sidings) on the rail infrastructure. Hazards listed in the...
December 1, 2005
Maintenance and Contents of the National Hazard Directory
This Specification relates to hazards on Network Rail's controlled infrastructure, access points and other locations (eg stations and sidings) on the rail infrastructure. Hazards listed in the...
February 1, 2005
Maintenance & Contents of the National Hazard Directory
This Procedure applies to hazards on Network Rail's Controlled Infrastructure, its access points, and other locations (such as stations, sidings etc.) as specified in this Standard. Hazards listed...
April 1, 2004
Maintenance and Contents of the National Hazard Directory
This Procedure applies to hazards on Network Rail's Controlled Infrastructure, its access points, and other locations (such as stations, sidings etc.) as specified in this Standard. Hazards listed...
April 1, 1997
Maintenance & Contents of a Zone Hazard Directory
This Procedure applies to hazards on Railtrack's Controlled Infrastructure, its access points, and other locations (such as stations, sidings etc.) deemed appropriate by the Zone Director. Hazards...

