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NASA Environmental Management System

active, Most Current
Publication Date: 20 July 2020
Status: active
Page Count: 39


a. The purpose of this National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Procedural Requirement (NPR) is to provide the structure for an overall Agency approach to managing environmental activities that allows for an efficient, prioritized system execution. It describes NASA's approach to establishing, implementing, and maintaining an Agency Environmental Management System (EMS) whose objectives are improved environmental performance and effective execution of applicable compliance obligations. The EMS:

(1) Incorporates personnel, procedures, and work practices into a formal structure to ensure that the environmental risks and opportunities associated with NASA operations are identified and addressed.

(2) Promotes continual improvement, through pursuit of pollution prevention and periodic evaluation of environmental performance.

(3) Involves all members of the organization, as appropriate.

(4) Ensures accountability of Center management by integrating EMS requirements into day to-day operations and ensuring that adequate resources are available to maintain an effective EMS.

b. This NPR is intended to function in conjunction with the NASA Safety and Health Program, including loss-prevention priorities and risk management. As described in NPR 8000.4, Agency Risk Management Procedural Requirements, risk management includes two complementary processes: risk-informed decision-making (RIDM) and continuous risk management (CRM). Since the EMS and risk management procedures proactively identify potential positive or negative impacts from NASA products, activities, and services, the EMS supports an Agency approach to managing environmental risks that may simultaneously affect multiple programs, projects, and mission support activities.


a. This NPR applies to NASA Headquarters (HQ) and NASA Centers, including Component Facilities and Technical and Service Support Centers, when determined to be appropriate by NASA HQ or the host or parent Center.

b. This language applies to the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (a Federally-Funded Research and Development Center) and to the operations and personnel of contractor-operated facilities, short- and long-term contractors, partners, tenants, concessionaires, grant recipients, and/or parties to agreements, to the extent that an environmental risk is identified, but only to the extent specified or referenced in the applicable contracts, grants, or agreements.

Note: This statement alone is not sufficient to stipulate requirements for tenants, contractors, partners, concessionaires, and/or grant recipients. The management offices responsible for procurement actions shall ensure that all contracts, grants, or agreements need to specifically state the applicable requirement(s) from this NPR.

c. In this NPR, all mandatory actions (i.e., requirements) are denoted by statements containing the term "shall." The term "may" denotes a discretionary privilege or permission, "can" denotes statements of possibility or capability, "should" denotes a good practice and is recommended, but not required, "will" denotes expected outcome, and "are/is" denotes descriptive material.

Document History

July 20, 2020
NASA Environmental Management System
Purpose a. The purpose of this National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Procedural Requirement (NPR) is to provide the structure for an overall Agency approach to managing environmental...

