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ISO - TR 24317

Intelligent transport systems — Mobility integration — Mobility integration needs for vulnerable users and light modes of transport

active, Most Current
Organization: ISO
Publication Date: 1 November 2023
Status: active
Page Count: 32
ICS Code (Transport in general): 03.220.01
ICS Code (IT applications in transport): 35.240.60

This document provides a review of mobility integration standardization efforts supporting all travellers using active and light transport modes and identifies gaps where additional standardization is potentially required. The gap analysis is focused on cooperative intelligent transportation systems (C-ITS) for all users, including people with disabilities, as they plan, manage and carry out their "complete trip", including all connections and transfers, from end-to-end.

The term "light mode conveyances" covers C-ITS for light power and active modes such as micromobililty vehicles (e.g. e-scooters), power or power-assisted vehicles (e.g. e-bikes, power wheelchairs), and full powered vehicles (e.g. motorcycles, mopeds).

This document identifies areas where standardization is potentially required to resolve problems and challenges, or to create opportunities, particularly with respect to enhancing safety and the provision of end-to-end multimodal journeys and support.

Document History

TR 24317
November 1, 2023
Intelligent transport systems — Mobility integration — Mobility integration needs for vulnerable users and light modes of transport
This document provides a review of mobility integration standardization efforts supporting all travellers using active and light transport modes and identifies gaps where additional standardization...

