Requirements for Non-Destructive Examination Methods Part 1: Radiographic
Organization: | MODUK |
Publication Date: | 21 June 2013 |
Status: | active |
Page Count: | 26 |
This part of Defence Standard 02-729 covers the minimum requirements for the radiographic examination method used to detect internal discontinuities in welded joints and metallic materials including castings, pipes and fabrication. It applies to all items for which specifications, standards, drawings, or refit / repair instructions require radiographic examination, by X-ray or gamma ray techniques.
The Defence Standard (Def Stan) also covers the Quality Assessment of Examining Authorities who performs radiographic examination. The extent to which radiographic examination is required is not included herein but will be found in the relevant Contract Documents. The Critical Test Regions and Test Regions for the radiographic examination of castings are contained within Def Stan 02-745 Clause 4.2 (Steels) and Def Stan 02-863 Clause 6.2 (Cu-Ni Alloys).
The Def Stan does not contain acceptance criteria for defects and does not apply to the examination of nuclear plant and machinery.
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