IEC/TS 60079-32-1
Explosive atmospheres - Part 32-1: Electrostatic hazards, guidance
Organization: | IEC |
Publication Date: | 1 August 2013 |
Status: | active |
Page Count: | 176 |
ICS Code (Electrical apparatus for explosive atmospheres): | 29.260.20 |
This part of IEC 60079 gives guidance about the equipment, product and process properties necessary to avoid ignition and electrostatic shock hazards arising from static electricity as well as the operational requirements needed to ensure safe use of the equipment, product or process. It can be used in a risk assessment of electrostatic hazards or for the preparation of product family or dedicated product standards for electrical or non-electrical machines or equipment.
The hazards associated with static electricity in industrial processes and environments that most commonly give problems are considered. These processes include the handling of solids, liquids, powders, gases, sprays and explosives. In each case, the source and nature of the electrostatic hazard are identified and specific recommendations are given for dealing with them.
The purpose of this document is to provide standard recommendations for the control of static electricity, such as earthing of conductors, reduction of charging and restriction of chargeable areas of insulators. In some cases static electricity plays an integral part of a process, e.g. electrostatic coating, but often it is an unwelcome side effect and it is with the latter that this guidance is concerned. If the standard recommendations given in this document are fulfilled it can be expected that the risk of hazardous electrostatic discharges in an explosive atmosphere is at an acceptably low level.
If the requirements of this document cannot be fulfilled, alternative approaches can be applied under the condition that at least the same level of safety is achieved.
Basic information about the generation of undesirable static electricity in solids, liquids, gases, explosives, and also on people, together with descriptions of how the charges generated cause ignitions or electrostatic shocks, is given in the annexes and in IEC/TR 61340-1.
This Technical Specification is not applicable to the hazards of static electricity relating to lightning or to damage to electronic components.
This Technical Specification is not intended to supersede standards that cover specific products and industrial situations.
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