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Electronic Packaging Handbook

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Organization: IPC
Publication Date: 1 December 1989
Status: active
Page Count: 488

Purpose of the IPC Electronic Packaging Handbook

The purpose of this Electronic Packaging Handbook is to provide the appropriate insight and flows into the multifaceted topic of electronic packaging. Many excellent documents have been authored and published over the years to define electronic packaging issues.

Whenever documentation exists that is pertinent to the subject of electronic packaging, appropriate reference is made in the handbook. The material is presented to act as a road map, highlighting the appropriate packaging recommendations or packaging pitfalls. At times, material is excerpted from existing documentation in order to provide the reader with a snapshot of the material contained in the reference document. In all instances, the reference document should take precedence unless specifically indicated that the material in the handbook is advanced information based on new industry concepts.

This Packaging Handbook is a living document, in that the IPC, through the input of over 30 technical committees, and through the individual efforts of competent technical experts, will continue to develop new data and revise old data.

While the final data is the voluntary contribution of many industry experts, we call attention to the fact that each section is administered by a technical editor. It is the editor's responsibility to insure that new material is consistent with existing data, coordinate the input from the various committees and that all published information is as current with the state-of-the-art as possible.

Holders of the "Electronic Packaging Handbook" are encouraged to contact the section editors on any problems or ideas for inclusion of new material.

Document History

December 1, 1989
Electronic Packaging Handbook
Purpose of the IPC Electronic Packaging Handbook The purpose of this Electronic Packaging Handbook is to provide the appropriate insight and flows into the multifaceted topic of electronic packaging....

