Product Specification for Functional Supply Points (FSP)
Organization: | NR |
Publication Date: | 6 June 2015 |
Status: | active |
Page Count: | 41 |
This product specification applies to the selection and integration of equipment forming an FSP assembly in new or legacy installations. An FSP assembly may comprise a combination of the following: cable termination facilities, FSP switchgear assembly, enclosure, protective devices, distribution interface transformer assembly (DITA), battery chargers, isolating transformers, isolating transformer rectifiers, auto reconfiguration equipment, insulation monitor and environmental controls.
The product specification also sets out requirements for the manufacture of FSP switchgear assemblies for new and legacy installations, typically comprising a number of types to support different signalling power distribution topologies.
Manufacturing requirements are specified for both Class I and Class II FSP switchgear assemblies and FSP assemblies.
This standard does not specify:
a) The requirements for functional signalling power circuits as specified in NR/L2/SIG/30050;
b) The requirements for principal supply points and signalling power distribution systems as specified in NR/L2/SIGELP/27410 and NR/SP/ELP/27243;
c) The requirements for the Class I or Class II hybrid FSP isolating transformers as specified in NR/L2/SIGELP/30007;
d) The requirements for auto reconfiguration systems, insulation monitoring, UPS etc. as specified in NR/SP/ELP/27243;
e) The requirements for distribution interface transformer assemblies, as specified in NR/SP/SIGELP/27419.
This specification details the product manufacturer's requirements for Class I and Class II functional supply point (FSP) switchgear assemblies and FSP assemblies for use within railway infrastructure signalling power distribution systems.