ISO 15031-6
Road vehicles - Communication between vehicle and external equipment for emissions-related diagnostics - Part 6: Diagnostic trouble code definitions
Organization: | ISO |
Publication Date: | 1 August 2015 |
Status: | active |
Page Count: | 26 |
ICS Code (Transport exhaust emissions): | 13.040.50 |
ICS Code (Electrical and electronic equipment): | 43.040.10 |
This part of ISO 15031 provides uniformity for standardized
diagnostic trouble codes (DTC) that electrical/electroni
This part of ISO 15031 specifies the rules and guidelines for the definition of the following:
a) the diagnostic trouble code format, which consists of the following:
1) addressing format;
2) structure;
3) messages;
b) a description of the standardized set of diagnostic trouble codes and descriptions contained in SAE J2012-DA. The two most significant bytes of a DTC may be decoded according to two different lists in two formats: DTC Format Identifier 0016 and 0416;
c) a description of the standardized set of diagnostic trouble codes subtypes known as failure types contained in SAE J2012-DA (applies only when 3-byte DTCs are used).
This part of ISO 15031 specifies all general rules and guidelines to define new diagnostic trouble codes.This part of ISO 15031 references SAE J2012-DA (Digital Annex), which includes all standardized DTCs (number and text descriptor) as well as all diagnostic trouble codes subtypes known as failure types.
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