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DIN 11622-2

Silage and liquid manure containers, containers in biogas plants, bunker silos and trench silos - Part 2: Silage and liquid manure containers and containers in biogas plants made of concrete

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Organization: DIN
Publication Date: 1 September 2015
Status: active
Page Count: 26
ICS Code (Buildings and installations for processing and storage of agricultural produce): 65.040.20
ICS Code (Equipment for storage, preparation and distribution of fertilizers): 65.060.25

Diese Norm gilt für Gärfuttersilos, Silagesickersaftbehälter, Güllebehälter, Güllekeller, Güllewannen, Güllekanäle, Festmistlager und Behälter in Biogasanlagen mit Gärsubstraten und Gärresten landwirtschaftlicher Herkunft aus Beton, Stahl- oder Spannbeton.

Die Bauwerke können ganz über dem Erdreich oder ganz oder teilweise im Erdreich erstellt werden.

Anforderungen für Betonschalungssteine sind in DIN 11622-22 festgelegt.

Fahrsilos sind in DIN 11622-5 geregelt.

ANMERKUNG Auf weitergehende bauordnungsrechtliche und wasserrechtliche Anforderungen wie die Technischen Regeln wassergefährdende Stoffe wird hingewiesen. Insbesondere können Leckageerkennungssysteme erforderlich warden.

Document History

DIN 11622-2
September 1, 2015
Silage and liquid manure containers, containers in biogas plants, bunker silos and trench silos - Part 2: Silage and liquid manure containers and containers in biogas plants made of concrete
Diese Norm gilt für Gärfuttersilos, Silagesickersaftbehälter, Güllebehälter, Güllekeller, Güllewannen, Güllekanäle, Festmistlager und Behälter in Biogasanlagen mit Gärsubstraten und Gärresten...
October 1, 2014
Silage and liquid manure containers, containers in biogas plants, bunker silos and trench silos - Part 2: Silage and liquid manure containers and containers in biogas plants made of concrete
A description is not available for this item.
June 1, 2004
Silage and liquid manure containers - Part 2: Design principles - Silage and liquid manure containers made of reinforced concrete, precast reinforced concrete elements, concrete blocks and concrete blocks acting as lost formwork
A description is not available for this item.
July 1, 2003
Silage and liquid manure containers - Part 2: Design principles, silage and liquid manure containers made of reinforced concrete, precast reinforced concrete elements, concrete blocks and concrete blocks acting as lost formwork
A description is not available for this item.
July 1, 1994
Silage and liquid manure containers; part 2: design principles; silage and liquid manure containers made of reinforced concrete, precast reinforced concrete elements, concrete blocks and concrete blocks acting as lost formwork
A description is not available for this item.

