IEC TR 61282-9
Fibre optic communication system design guides - Part 9: Guidance on polarization mode dispersion measurements and theory
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Organization: | IEC |
Publication Date: | 1 March 2016 |
Status: | active |
Page Count: | 60 |
ICS Code (Fibre optic systems in general): | 33.180.01 |
This part of IEC 61282, which is a Technical Report, describes effects and theory of polarization mode dispersion (PMD) and provides guidance on PMD measurements.
Document History
IEC TR 61282-9
March 1, 2016
Fibre optic communication system design guides - Part 9: Guidance on polarization mode dispersion measurements and theory
This part of IEC 61282, which is a Technical Report, describes effects and theory of polarization mode dispersion (PMD) and provides guidance on PMD measurements.
July 1, 2006
Fibre optic communication system design guides – Part 9: Guidance on polarization mode dispersion measurements and theory
This technical report applies to all commercially available fibre optic products sensitive to polarization mode dispersion (PMD).
This report presents general information about PMD, the mathematical...