This document references:
AR 11-33 - Army Lessons Learned Program
Published by ARMY
July 28, 2022
Purpose This regulation establishes policies and responsibilities for the Army Lessons Learned Program (ALLP). It provides the foundation for the Army to maximize the benefit of experiential learning...
This document references:
AR 11-6 - Army Foreign Language Program
Published by ARMY
February 25, 2022
Purpose This regulation holistically describes the Army Foreign Language Program to include the use of military, Department of the Army (DA) Civilians, and contract linguists to provide linguistic...
This document references:
Published by ARMY
April 7, 2017
Purpose The purpose of this program is threefold. First, it provides outstanding commissioned officers, noncommissioned officers (NCOs), and Department of the Army Civilians (DACs) with firsthand...
This document references:
AR 12-15 - Joint Security Cooperation Education and Training
Published by ARMY
January 3, 2011
Applicability. This regulation applies to the active Army, the Army National Guard/Army National Guard of the United States, and the U.S. Army Reserve, unless otherwise stated. It also applies to the...
This document references:
AR 614-200 - Enlisted Assignments and Utilization Management
Published by ARMY
November 29, 2017
Applicability. This regulation applies to Active Army enlisted Soldiers, excluding initial entry training Soldiers governed by AR 612–201 and those Soldiers detailed outside the Department of...
This document is referenced by:
AR 525-27 - Army Emergency Management Program
Published by ARMY
March 29, 2019
Purpose This regulation establishes the Army Emergency Management (EM) Program. The Army EM function serves as the single integrated EM program across the Army on installations, facilities, and...