Corporate Records Retention Schedule
Organization: | NR |
Publication Date: | 2 December 2017 |
Status: | active |
Page Count: | 13 |
This business process and associated schedule specifies authorised retention periods for Network Rail's corporate records.
It covers:
a) all records created, received and managed by Network Rail; and
b) the processes, tools and resources used to manage those records.
This business process applies to all Owners responsible for the management of records within or on behalf of Network Rail.
This work instruction is part of a suite of standards published to support the Document Management Policy and the Records Management Policy NR/L2/INF/02220.
NOTE 1: These standards are listed in figure 1. Implementation of a Corporate Records Retention Schedule allows Network Rail to:
a) retain records for no longer than necessary;
b) implement a consistent approach across Network Rail;
c) promote the prompt and auditable disposal of records when they are no longer required;
d) comply with legislation and regulation relevant to the business of Network Rail including in relation to personal data, the Data Protection Act and its principles
NOTE 2: Further information regarding the Data Protection Act, is given in Network Rail's Data Protection Policy.
e) protect its rights and interests and those of its employees, customers, suppliers and the general public affected by its operations