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ETSI - TS 103 412

Mobile Standards Group (MSG); Pan-European eCall end to end and in-band modem conformance testing; Prose test specification

Organization: ETSI
Publication Date: 1 April 2018
Status: inactive
Page Count: 95

The present document specifies the Pan-European eCall end to end and in-band modem conformance testing.

This is a complete test specification. The following information can be found in the present document:

• the overall test structure;

• the test configurations;

• the conformance requirement and reference to the core specifications;

• the test purposes; and

• a brief description of the test procedure, the specific test requirements and short message exchange table;

• the default setting of the test parameters;

• the applicability of each test case.

The present document is valid for a Pan-European (PE) eCall IVS.

Document History

March 1, 2020
Mobile Standards Group (MSG); Pan-European eCall end to end and in-band modem conformance testing; Prose test specification
The present document specifies the Pan-European eCall end to end and in-band modem conformance testing. This is a complete test specification. The following information can be found in the present...
TS 103 412
April 1, 2018
Mobile Standards Group (MSG); Pan-European eCall end to end and in-band modem conformance testing; Prose test specification
The present document specifies the Pan-European eCall end to end and in-band modem conformance testing. This is a complete test specification. The following information can be found in the present...
April 1, 2016
Mobile Standards Group (MSG); Pan-European eCall end to end and in-band modem conformance testing; Prose test specification
The present document specifies the Pan-European eCall end to end and in-band modem conformance testing. This is a complete test specification. The following information can be found in the present...

