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ISO 15686-5

Buildings and constructed assets - Service-life planning - Part 5: Life-cycle costing

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Organization: ISO
Publication Date: 15 June 2008
Status: inactive
Page Count: 50
ICS Code (Buildings in general): 91.040.01

This part of ISO 15686 gives guidelines for performing life-cycle cost (LCC) analyses of buildings and constructed assets and their parts.

NOTE 1  Life-cycle costing takes into account cost or cash flows, i.e. relevant costs (and income and externalities if included in the agreed scope) arising from acquisition through operation to disposal.

NOTE 2  Life-cycle costing typically includes a comparison between options or an estimate of future costs at portfolio, project or component level. Life-cycle costing is performed over an agreed period of analysis. It is advisable to make clear whether the analysis is for only part or for the entire life cycle of the constructed asset.

Document History

July 1, 2017
Buildings and constructed assets - Service life planning - Part 5: Life-cycle costing
This document provides requirements and guidelines for performing life-cycle cost (LCC) analyses of buildings and constructed assets and their parts, whether new or existing. NOTE 1 Life-cycle...
ISO 15686-5
June 15, 2008
Buildings and constructed assets - Service-life planning - Part 5: Life-cycle costing
This part of ISO 15686 gives guidelines for performing life-cycle cost (LCC) analyses of buildings and constructed assets and their parts. NOTE 1  Life-cycle costing takes into account cost or cash...

