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ATIS - 0300006

Implementation Guide for Package Labeling

Organization: ATIS
Publication Date: 1 June 2008
Status: inactive
Page Count: 107


The purpose of this document is to augment the more technical information supplied in the Electronic Industries Alliance EIA/CEA-624-A PRODUCT PACKAGE BAR CODE LABEL STANDARD, Electronic Industries Alliance CEA-556-B OUTER SHIPPING CONTAINER BAR CODE LABEL STANDARD, and GUIDELINES FOR THE IDENTIFICATION AND BAR CODE LABELING OF CABLE REELS by providing a practical approach to the subject of bar code labeling.

The IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE TO PACKAGE LABELING is divided into four main sections that:

• Provide a general description of the labels and their uses (PURPOSE).

• Suggest procedures for the implementation of a package labeling program (IMPLEMENTATION PROCEDURES).

• Explain the technical requirements set forth in the existing specifications in non-technical terms (TECHNICAL).

• Provide a common format for the exchange of labeling requirements LABEL INFORMATION EXCHANGE FORM. (SEE APPENDIX A)

NOTE: Throughout this document, references are made to "label suppliers" and "label receivers," or, in some instances, simply "suppliers" and "receivers." Additionally, the "label receiver" or "receiver" may be referred to as the "customer". These terms are meant to identify which entity in the trading partnership is generating the labels (supplier) and which entity is receiving the labels (receiver). "Label supplier" should not be confused with a business entity that manufactures or sells labels or label stock.

Document History

July 1, 2018
Implementation Guide for Package Labeling
Purpose The purpose of this document is to provide implementation guidelines for package labels in compliance with the more technical information supplied in ANS MH10.8.6, shipping/transport unit...
May 1, 2012
Implementation Guide for Package Labeling
Purpose The purpose of this document is to augment the more technical information supplied in the Electronic Industries Alliance EIA/CEA-624-A PRODUCT PACKAGE BAR CODE LABEL STANDARD, Electronic...
June 1, 2008
Implementation Guide for Package Labeling
Purpose The purpose of this document is to augment the more technical information supplied in the Electronic Industries Alliance EIA/CEA-624-A PRODUCT PACKAGE BAR CODE LABEL STANDARD, Electronic...

