Organization: | NPFC |
Publication Date: | 3 September 1996 |
Status: | inactive |
Page Count: | 157 |
This standard establishes and maintains a compilation of microelectronic package case outlines and should be useful to all levels of manufacturing that culminate in the production of reliable and logistically supportable military electronic equipment.
The purpose of this standard is to assure complete mechanical interchangeability of all microelectronic package case outlines of a particular style and type, regardless of source, commensurate with the requirements of high density military electronic equipment manufacturing.
Some tailoring of package case outlines is to be accomplished by users of this standard. Details for tailoring are presented with each style of package case outline (when required, see 3.1.3 and 6.2).
Microelectronic package case outlines are of the styles and types identified in accordance with the descriptive designation system used herein (see 4.7). A cross-reference is included in section 6 indicating the relationship between old designations from MIL-M-38510 appendix C and the new designations used herein.
All package case outlines presented in this standard are drawn in orthogonal projections. Dimensions are as shown, presented in both inch and meter units of measurement. The dimensions are labeled with the symbols listed in the appendix, (see 4.4). The drawings are intended only as illustrations of a package style. In some instances, the drawings show added detail for emphasis; in most instances, the drawings are distorted by intent.
intended Use:
Packages conforming to the requirements of this standard are intended for use in military electronic equipment.
Document History