ETSI - TS 102 844
User Group; Quality of Telecom Services; Conformity assessment; Requirements for bodies providing QoS assessments and surveys
Organization: | ETSI |
Publication Date: | 1 November 2010 |
Status: | active |
Page Count: | 14 |
The present document details the specific requirements an independent body should comply with in addition to the generic standards ISO/IEC Guide 65 [2] to provide conformity assessment of the QoS assessment process of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) services to EG 202 843 [i.1] and other relevant standards listed in the present document.
NOTE 1: According to TS 102 852 [1], QoS of the customer Relationship Stages other than utilization is assessed.
NOTE 2: The present document may be used by any stakeholder concerned by QoS Assessment in order to be confident with the results of QoS campaigns and with the way they are carried out.
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