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The Definition and Review of Maintenance Compliance Indicators

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Organization: NR
Publication Date: 1 September 2018
Status: active
Page Count: 12

This standard provides assurance regimes specific to the delivery of maintenance activities which are defined by the relevant Professional Heads and applies to all Route Delivery Units and teams involved in the delivery of these maintenance activities.

It does not specify the compliance terms for maintenance activities.


The purpose of this standard is to explain and mandate the process for defining and reporting the measures associated with Maintenance Compliance Indicators. This is to enable the business to report on issues that are aligned to risk in regard to the management of maintenance delivery and that the measure has been specified and agreed by the relevant Professional Head.

Document History

September 1, 2018
The Definition and Review of Maintenance Compliance Indicators
This standard provides assurance regimes specific to the delivery of maintenance activities which are defined by the relevant Professional Heads and applies to all Route Delivery Units and teams...
March 6, 2010
Reporting and Review of Maintenance Compliance Indicators
The standard defines the procedure for Maintenance compliance reporting and review. Those involved in the process include RIMDs/Delivery Unit IMDMs/IMEs/Engineers and the Route Maintenance Compliance...
Reporting and Review of Maintenance Compliance Indicators
The compilation and review of compliance indicator reports for Infrastructure Maintenance. This process shall be mandatory at Delivery Unit and Route Level on a Period basis. Purpose This document...
Reporting and Review of Maintenance Compliance Indicators
There is a requirement to report compliance and condition of railway infrastructure assets in a nationally consistent manner. Purpose This Standard Maintenance Procedure (SMP) defines the process...
September 1, 2007
Reporting and Review of Maintenance Compliance Indicators
There is a requirement to report compliance and condition of railway infrastructure assets in a consistent manner. Relevant Indicators and metrics are listed in the following documents:-...

