NFPA 276
Standard Method of Fire Test for Determining the Heat Release Rate of Roofing Assemblies with Combustible Above-Deck Roofing Components
Organization: | NFPA |
Publication Date: | 1 January 2019 |
Status: | active |
Page Count: | 20 |
This standard describes a method for determining the heat release rate from below the deck of roofing assemblies that have combustible above-deck roofing components when the assemblies are exposed to a fire from below the roof deck.
The performance of the above-deck roofing assembly is evaluated by determining the heat release rate below the deck of the roof test specimen.
This test method is based on the substitution method for measuring the heat release rate by using an auxiliary fuel (propane) to provide the surrogate heat release rate.
Test Method.
Two fire tests are conducted to determine the heat release rate of the test specimen as follows:
(1) Fire exposure test
(2) Evaluation test with auxiliary fuel
Each fire test is 30 minutes in duration.
Fire Exposure Test.
he fire exposure test consists of developing a flue time-temperature curve based on the combined burning of the test specimen and the fire exposure.
The fire exposure is produced by heptane-fired burners (main burners), which subject the underside of the roof deck assembly to a predetermined exposure condition.
Evaluation Test.
The evaluation test determines the contribution of the test specimen by introducing an auxiliary fuel (propane) through evaluating burners in addition to the heptane-fired main burners.
The same time-temperature curve as in the fire exposure test is recreated with a noncombustible (blank) specimen in place.
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