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CEI EN 50174-2

Information technology - Cabling installation Part 2: Installation planning and practices inside buildings

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Organization: CEI
Publication Date: 1 November 2018
Status: active
Page Count: 110
ICS Code (Networking): 35.110
ICS Code (Electricity supply systems): 91.140.50

This European Standard specifies requirements for the following aspects of information technology cabling:

a) planning;

b) installation practice.

This European Standard is applicable to all types of information technology cabling inside buildings (and may be applied to cabling that is defined as part of the building) including generic cabling systems designed in accordance with the EN 50173 series.

NOTE Planning and installation of certain types of application-specific cabling can be supplemented by other standards e.g. EN 50491-6-1 for Home Building Electronics System (HBES) and Building Automation and Control Systems (BACS).

The requirements of Clauses 4, 5 and 6 of this standard are premises-independent unless amended by the requirements of premises-specific clauses.

This European Standard:

1) details the considerations for satisfactory installation and operation of information technology cabling;

2) describes the methodology for the assessment of spaces, pathways (and pathway systems) and cabling (either installed or planned) in support of remote powering objectives;

3) excludes specific requirements applicable to other cabling systems (e.g. power supply cabling); however, it takes account of the effects other cabling systems have on the installation of information technology cabling (and vice versa) and gives general advice;

4) excludes those aspects of installation associated with the transmission of signals in free space between transmitters, receivers or their associated antenna systems.

This standard is applicable to certain hazardous environments. It does not exclude additional requirements which are applicable in particular circumstances, defined by e.g. electricity supply and electrified railways.

Document History

CEI EN 50174-2
November 1, 2018
Information technology - Cabling installation Part 2: Installation planning and practices inside buildings
This European Standard specifies requirements for the following aspects of information technology cabling: a) planning; b) installation practice. This European Standard is applicable to all types...
April 1, 2016
Information technology - Cabling installation Part 2: Installation planning and practices inside buildings
A description is not available for this item.
September 1, 2015
Information technology - Cabling installation Part 2: Installation planning and practices inside buildings
Foreword This document (EN 50174-2:2009/A2:2014) has been prepared by CLC/TC 215 "Electrotechnical aspects of telecommunication equipment". The following dates are fixed: latest date by which this...
December 1, 2011
Information technology - Cabling installation Part 2: Installation planning and practices inside buildings
Questa Variante apporta alcune modifiche alla CEI EN 50174-2:2010-05. In particolare introduce 2 nuovi paragrafi riguardanti le prescrizioni specifiche per l'installazione del cablaggio domestico e...
May 1, 2010
Information technology - Cabling installation Part 2: Installation planning and practices inside buildings
Questa Norma Europea specifica le prescrizioni per la pianificazione e l’installazione del cablaggio IT. Questa Norma Europea si applica a tutti i tipi di cablaggio IT all'interno di edifici,...
May 1, 2001
Information technology - Cabling installation - Part 2: Installation planning and practices inside buildings
La Norma Europea EN 50174 è composta da tre Parti. Tutte e tre le Parti trattano le specifiche, l'installazione e il funzionamento del cablaggio per la tecnologia dell'informazione, con componenti in...

