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IEEE 11073-10207

Health informatics - Personal health device communication - Part 10207: Domain information and service model for service-oriented point-ofcare medical device communication

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Organization: IEEE
Publication Date: 1 January 2019
Status: active
Page Count: 438

The scope of this standard is the definition and structuring of information that is communicated in a distributed system of point-of-care medical devices and medical information technology (IT) systems in which medical data needs to be exchanged or networked point-of-care medical devices need to be controlled. The standard provides a Participant Model and Communication Model derived from the IEEE 11073™ Domain Information Model (IEEE 11073-10201™ DIM). Furthermore, it utilizes the IEEE 11073 Nomenclature (IEEE 11073-10101™) and supports other coding systems to convey the semantics of any information elements.1

The definition of network transport mechanisms is outside the scope of this standard.

1 Information on normative references can be found in Clause 2.



Document History

IEEE 11073-10207
January 1, 2019
Health informatics - Personal health device communication - Part 10207: Domain information and service model for service-oriented point-ofcare medical device communication
The scope of this standard is the definition and structuring of information that is communicated in a distributed system of point-of-care medical devices and medical information technology (IT)...
December 6, 2017
Health informatics - Point-of-care medical device communication - Part 10207: Domain Information and Service Model for Service-Oriented Point-of-Care Medical Device Communication
The scope of this standard is the definition and structuring of information that is communicated in a distributed system of point-of-care medical devices and medical information technology (IT)...

