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Network Rail Assurance Panel Processes

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Organization: NR
Publication Date: 1 June 2019
Status: active
Page Count: 11

This standard specifies NRAP's accountabilities and the processes it follows in order to fulfil them. 
It applies to anyone making an application: 
a) to introduce new or changed vehicles on Network Rail Infrastructure, or change where they operate (as defined by the authorised routes); or 
b) that could affect the compatibility between vehicles and Network Rail infrastructure; or 
c) that is a change to Network Rail infrastructure; or the way it is operated 
NOTE:  The scope of NRAP does not normally include maintenance of equipment, or equipment replaced due to failure. This applies if approved equipment in pre-existing applications is used, that no designs are produced and the configuration of NR infrastructure is unchanged. 
d) to introduce new or changed products as part of Network Rail Infrastructure. 
This applies even if the application will not be controlled or carried out by Network Rail. 
The risk management process under CSM-RA as defined in this module can be used by the principal designer to discharge their duties under the CDM Regulations 2015. 
The application of the CSM-RA Regulation to organisational change is not within scope, this is covered by NR/L2/HSS/020 Safety Validation of Organisational Change.
Network Rail Assurance Panel (NRAP) governs a number of Network Rail processes on behalf of Network Rail's Executive. 
These processes help Network Rail comply with its statutory responsibilities and Health and Safety Management System when a change is introduced that could change the risk profile of Network Rail Infrastructure. 
This standard sets out how NRAP carries out these responsibilities and delegates authority to bodies and individuals within Network Rail. 
The standard helps applicants to identify the correct process for their proposal. 
NRAP governs a number of processes that provide appropriate review prior to projects, products and vehicles being brought into service.

Document History

December 4, 2021
Network Rail Assurance Panel Processes
This standard specifies NRAP’s accountabilities and the processes it follows in order to fulfil them.  It applies to anyone making an application:   a) to introduce new or changed vehicles on...
September 4, 2021
Network Rail Assurance Panel Processes
This standard specifies  NRAP’s accountabilit ies and the processes it follows in order to fulfil them. It applies to anyone making an application:   a) to introduce new or changed vehicles on...
June 1, 2019
Network Rail Assurance Panel Processes
This standard specifies NRAP’s accountabilities and the processes it follows in order to fulfil them.  It applies to anyone making an application:  a) to introduce new or changed vehicles on Network...
December 2, 2017
Network Rail Assurance Panel Processes
These modules specify NRAP’s accountabilities and the processes it follows in order to fulfil them. It applies to anyone making an application: a) to introduce new or changed vehicles on Network...
December 5, 2015
Network Rail Assurance Panel Processes
This module specifies NRAP’s accountabilities and the processes it follows in order to fulfil them. It applies to anyone making an application: a) to introduce new or changed vehicles on Network...
June 2, 2012
Network Rail Acceptance Panel Processes
A description is not available for this item.
December 3, 2011
Network Rail Acceptance Panel Processes
A description is not available for this item.

