CIE 231
CIE Classification System of Illuminance and Luminance Meters
Organization: | CIE |
Publication Date: | 1 January 2019 |
Status: | active |
Page Count: | 44 |
The properties of illuminance meters and luminance meters are characterized by a number of selected quality indices defined in ISO/CIE 19476 "Characterization of the Performance of Illuminance Meters and Luminance Meters" (ISO/CIE 2014 ), previously published as CIE S 023:2013 (CIE 2013).
Considering the large number of different criteria, it may be difficult for the end-user to compare illuminance meters and luminance meters. A simple classification system based on these criteria would facilitate the communication between instrument manufacturers and users, and it would also enable national and international standards (in particular: measurement standards for lighting applications) to refer to it. Some countries have defined national classification systems. Most of these are based on the quality indices defined in ( ISO/CIE 2014) or its predecessors CIE S 023:2013 (CIE 2013) or CIE 69:1987 (CIE 1987).
This Technical Report summarizes some of the existing national and regional classification systems for photometers1 and recommends a CIE classification system. The proposed CIE classification system is based on limit values for the different indices. In the classification the uncertainty of the determination of the quality indices is explicitly considered. In the annex some application-related recommendations are given.