ETSI - TS 186 025-2
Telecommunications and Internet converged Services and Protocols for Advanced Networking (TISPAN); IMS/PES Performance Benchmark; Part 2: Subsystem Configurations and Benchmarks
Organization: | ETSI |
Publication Date: | 1 June 2011 |
Status: | active |
Page Count: | 39 |
The present document is for an initial release of a PSTN/ISDN Emulation Sub-system (PES) performance benchmark. The same tests can be used also for legacy PSTN/ISDN networks or for inter-working tests between PSTN/ISDN emulation subsystem and legacy PSTN and ISDN. The metrics measured and reported are for performance of this subsystem under a communications application load.
The present document is the second part of the multi-part deliverable which consists of four parts.
TS 186 025-1 [1] contains the overall benchmark descriptions, architectures, processes, and information models that are common to all specific benchmarking scenarios.
The present document contains the specific benchmarking use-cases and scenarios, along with scenario specific metrics and design objectives. It also defines the SUT configuration parameters. This part also contains any required extensions to the overall descriptions present in the present document, if necessary for the specific scenario.
TS 186 025-3 [i.1] defines an initial benchmark test through the specification of a traffic set, traffic-time profile and benchmark test procedure.
TS 186 025-4 [i.2] defines Reference Load network quality parameters for the use cases defined in the present document.
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