NR RT/CE/S/002
Serviceable Rail for Use in Running and Sidings (aka NR/SP/TRK/002)
Organization: | NR |
Publication Date: | 1 August 1999 |
Status: | active |
Page Count: | 17 |
This specification sets out the requirements for serviceable rail in the following applications:
(a) where rail recovered from one site is re-used at another:
• rerailing in jointed form;
• rerailing in welded form, using rails newly flash-welded for this purpose;
• re-using existing flash-welded rail;
• replacement of isolated defective rails in either jointed or welded track.
(b) where rail is re-used at the same site:
• transposition or turning of rails.
This specification is for use in the selection of serviceable rail for installation in Railtrack' s running lines and sidings.
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