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NR - RT/CE/S/044 ISSUE 2

Design & Construction of Undertrack Crossings (aka NR/SP/CIV/044)

Organization: NR
Publication Date: 1 August 2004
Status: inactive
Page Count: 38

This Specification applies to the design and construction of all Undertrack Crossings on Network Rail infrastructure and to those appointed by Network Rail to be responsible for the management of such Undertrack Crossings, to the extent that the Undertrack Crossings affect safe train operations and/or the movement and control of people to and from the trains.

This Specification does not cover the requirements for the Undertrack Crossing to carry the service within it or the performance of the service within the Undertrack Crossing.

The group of Company Standards for the Management of Structures Works is shown on RT/CE/P/044 - "Managing Structures Works". Within this document, references to Specifications within the Group of Company Standards for Structures Works are made in relation to the Structure Categories, or group of Specifications for Project Management, as listed in Appendix B, i.e. SW(A) to (H), and the Volume number, as well as the Network Rail Standard number.

This document does not apply to:

surface laid cables, including cables laid immediately below rail level;



The purpose of this Network Rail Business Process Document is to define the requirements for the Design and construction of Undertrack Crossings.

This Specification contains requirements supplementary to Network Rail Company Standard RT/CE/P/044 - "Managing Structures Works", in respect of the scope of this Specification. Compliance with this Specification, and with the Procedures and Specifications referenced herein, will ensure compliance with the Railway Group Standards as listed in Appendix A in respect of the Design and construction of Undertrack Crossings.

Document History

March 7, 2020
Planning, Design and Construction of Undertrack Crossings
This business process defines the requirements for the planning, design and construction of undertrack crossings on and below Network Rail Infrastructure. It applies to those appointed to be...
June 3, 2017
Planning, Design and Construction of Undertrack Crossings
This business process defines the requirements for the planning, design and construction of undertrack crossings on and below Network Rail infrastructure. It applies to those appointed to be...
August 1, 2004
Design & Construction of Undertrack Crossings (aka NR/SP/CIV/044)
This Specification applies to the design and construction of all Undertrack Crossings on Network Rail infrastructure and to those appointed by Network Rail to be responsible for the management of...
April 1, 1998
Undertrack Crossings (aka NR/SP/CIV/044)
The requirements of this Specification apply to Railway Services such as signalling, electrification, plant, and telecommunications cables, track drainage and Outside Party Services which are...

