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Entry into Operational Service

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Organization: NR
Publication Date: 7 December 2019
Status: active
Page Count: 19

This procedure covers the EIS of all new or altered Railway Infrastructure where a Designated Project Engineer (DPE) is appointed in accordance with NR/L2/INI/02009, Engineering Management for Projects.

The decision to bring a new or altered asset into service is the Project Manager's and this decision considers requirements such as engineering, commercial, safety assurance, operational readiness, maintainer preparedness, Safety Verification and/or Interoperability.

This procedure does not apply where the entire EIS process for a project is covered in one single discipline standard.

Where Network Rail is not the Infrastructure Manager, the EIS procedure to be used is to be agreed with the relevant Infrastructure Manager.


This procedure demonstrates how Network Rail as Infrastructure Manager, undertakes Entry Into Operational Service (EIS) of new or altered Railway Infrastructure. This is achieved by the demonstration that the assets provided, whether new, temporary or legacy assets, are suitable, sufficient and correctly configured to provide for the safe functional operational requirements of the Railway Infrastructure.

This procedure provides the requirements for a project to plan in advance of EIS activities starting, how new or altered Railway Infrastructure shall be Entered into Operational Service. The requirements for EIS are also described, including the relationship with discipline specific EIS standards and the roles and responsibilities of people involved with the process.

Document History

December 7, 2019
Entry into Operational Service
This procedure covers the EIS of all new or altered Railway Infrastructure where a Designated Project Engineer (DPE) is appointed in accordance with NR/L2/INI/02009, Engineering Management for...
March 5, 2011
Procedure for the Entry Into Operational Service of Railway Infrastructure
This procedure covers the EIS of all new or altered Railway Infrastructure where a Designated Project Engineer (DPE) is appointed in accordance with NR/L2/INI/02009, Engineering Management for...

