Construction Assurance for Overhead Contact Systems
Organization: | NR |
Publication Date: | 7 September 2019 |
Status: | active |
Page Count: | 18 |
This standard applies to all activitiesassociated
with the exception for the requirementsassociat
The requirements in this standard applyto OCS infrastructure only.
This standard does not apply toelectrification and plant asset routine maintenance
or testing activities, design assuranceof any site changes, work carried out under
emergency conditions or project works thatcan be carried out solely within the
parameters of the maintenance riskmanual.
NOTE -Recovery from incidents involving damage to the OCS is covered inNR/L2/ELP/27032.
The purpose of this standard is todefine the Construction Assurance requirements
for new or modified Overhead ContactSystems (OCS). The standard consists of four
modules to cover material control,installation
commissioning activities.
The standard provides the structure forall OCS to be installed, tested and entered
into service while ensuring compliancewith legislation, Network Rail standards,
project specifications and approveddesigns.
The standard provides the requirementsto effectively manage the safety, reliability
and other risks associated with poorinstallation while providing a framework for
efficient application of ConstructionAssuranc