CEN/TR 17546
Electronic fee collection - EETS gap analysis and proposed standards roadmap
active, Most Current
Organization: | CEN |
Publication Date: | 1 October 2020 |
Status: | active |
Page Count: | 32 |
ICS Code (IT applications in transport): | 35.240.60 |
This document provides an EETS gap analysis with the aim to identify the need for new or updated standards to provide an enhanced support of the recast of the EU EETS legislation [29], [31], [32].
Document History
CEN/TR 17546
October 1, 2020
Electronic fee collection - EETS gap analysis and proposed standards roadmap
This document provides an EETS gap analysis with the aim to identify the need for new or updated standards to provide an enhanced support of the recast of the EU EETS legislation [29], [31], [32].